N.M Wadia Institute of Cardiology performs Rare Procedure to Save Patient’s Life

Miracles are rare but for this female patient aged 60, diagnosed with severe heart failure, had a rare miracle in literal sense that has saved her life. She got admitted with progressive symptoms, not responding to medical management, under Dr. Pramod Narkhede, Consultant Cardiologist at NMWIC.Dr. Narkhede said that “the patient had severe Left Ventricle…

First OCT guided angioplasty at NM Wadia Institute of Cardiology

OCT Optical Coherence Tomography is a novel imaging technique which uses near infrared light to create images inside of blood vessels. The technique delivers very high resolution images and we can see inside blood vessels of heart very clearly. The blockage, its percentage, its cause, its calcification, plaque vulnerability to rupture in future can be…

Revolutionizing Cardiac Care : Dr. Naresh Munot and Team’s Remarkable TAVI Success

We are delighted to share the remarkable achievement of our esteemed cardiologist, Dr. Naresh Munot, and his exceptional team at the N.M Wadia Institute of Cardiology. Recently, they successfully performed a complex Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) procedure with outstanding results for a 67-year-old female patient. Thanks to their expertise and precision, the patient underwent…