Signs and Symptoms of Valvular Heart Disease

Overview Valvular heart disease is when the heart valves, which regulate the blood flow, become damaged or dysfunctional. It can impact the efficiency of the heart’s pumping action and may cause various symptoms and complications. Indicators of valvular heart disease include shortness of breath, fatigue, chest pain, and palpitations. Murmurs, and abnormal heart sounds, may […]

Left Side Chest Pain – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options

Overview Left-side chest pain can have multiple causes, ranging from benign muscle strain or heartburn to severe issues like heart conditions. It’s crucial to pay attention to accompanying symptoms such as shortness of breath or pain radiating to the left arm and seek immediate medical attention if heart-related concerns are suspected, as it may indicate […]

Systolic vs. Diastolic Blood Pressure

Overview Systolic and diastolic blood pressure are essential components measured during a blood pressure reading. Systolic pressure represents the force of blood against arterial walls when the heart contracts (beats), while diastolic pressure reflects the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats. Both values are crucial in assessing cardiovascular health, with normal ranges […]

How to Take Care of Your Heart Health?

How to Take Care of Your Heart Health

Taking care of your heart is essential for living a long and healthy life. Your heart works tirelessly, pumping blood and oxygen to every part of your body. With cardiovascular disease being a leading cause of mortality worldwide, nurturing your heart becomes paramount for overall well-being.  From maintaining a balanced diet to incorporating regular exercise […]

Iron Deficiency in Heart Failure

Overview Heart failure (HF) is when the heart fails to pump enough blood to fulfil the needs of the body or can do so only at higher than normal filling pressures. Ejection Fraction (EF) measures the ratio of the amount of blood pumped out during systole to the amount of blood collected in the diastole. […]